Bacteria Thrives on Arsenic in California

According to Nasa, in Lake Mono, California, a new bacteria was discovered, that thrives on the toxic Arsenic. According to scientists this could redefine the search for alien life, as before searching was based on water as a main source of life, and now new ones can be possible.

The bacteria allegedly used Arsenic to build its DNA and make its proteins. The bacteria, GFAJ-1 strain, substitutes phosphorous, in the six building blocks of life, with Arsenic. This could mean that the search for life in outer space is not limited to the availability of those 6 elements, namely carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorous, and calcium.

Phosphorous is poisonous to most organisms, because it can act like phosphorus get in the organism, and attack the cells, but as a paradox, this same deathly element, can create life in this desolate lake in California. "Not only does the bacteria withstand massive doses of Arsenic, but it incorporates it in its cells" claims the article.

This article is very interesting because it proves just how much more there is to discover. To just recently our search for extraterrestrial life was limited to the 6 building blocks of life, and just yesterday, this search has been redefined. Life can base itself on other elements and this is a great step in the continuous mission to locate life beyond planet. This is a fascinating article and I hope it yields more great discoveries in the near and distant future.

Heat on Mars

Two volcanic deposits have been close to water on Mars and are the perfect place for life. With Mars being colder than Earth, this warmth could be the place were there is life on the planet, as organisms are attracted to this heat. These mounds had been formed when Mars became dry and chilly and so appear to be habitable for life. Silica is the mineral contained in these mounds, and according to scientists this indicates water had been present here, becasue silica is brought , dissolved and carried by water.

Even though scientists do not think life is present there they believe the place to be ideal to check for remains of it. They believe that if at a time microbes lived here then their remains would most probably be in a place like this, where there is hospitable heat and access to water. The mounds are about 100 meters high and is a promising place to contain water.

Another interesting article about life on other planets. It seems in the near future we wont find comparably intelligent forms of life on other planets but the voyager ships are on their way. In the mean time I find it fascinating to remember that these planets are always there revolving in turn with the Sun, and life could be on them, and even a potential for us to live on them.

Life on Distant Planet?

According to Scientist about 20 light years away from our planet is a planet with perfect conditions for life. It has the right distance from its red dwarf star to perfect temperature to allow water to have liquid, solid, and gas state in water. Gliese 581g, scientists claim, has an almost 100 percent chance of holding life. It is, unlike earth, mostly rock, and not water, so it is difficult to compare it to earth, as some have. I think scientists have gone a bit fast to conclusions, the planet is mostly rock, and water is not seen on the surface, so why would it become another earth?

I am constantly amazed, that only 20 light years away, scientists have found this planets, with trillions of stars and planets in only our Galaxy, and with billions of Galaxies, what are the chances?

I find this article interesting because it is amazing that the planet is out there, and that if its like earth, with life, then it could even become a new earth. I find it really great that many, many of these planets through the universe and many with life. But how will we get to them???

Water Cycle on Saturnian Moon?

According to this article scientist have found that the level of Ontario Lacus largest lake on the Southern hemisphere of the Moon, Titan, orbiting the planet, Saturn, has lowered by 5 meters in the last 4 years, indicating a type of water cycle. Also the shores have receded by as much as 3-4 Kilometers. . The moon has been considered by many as a small earth, that potentially could maintain life, and more so now, that there is some evidence about a water-like cycle. The Cassini Spacecraft, shows that other lakes, have similarly receded. Of course the "water" is liquid methane, and is freeeezing, so extremophiles are about the only things that could possibley survive there.

Being about 3/5ths smaller than earth, it is the only celestial body in the solar system to harbor liquid on its surface, and so it is thought to be in the process of starting life, as was with earth. It was just summer in the southern hemisphere and it is thought that the water evaporated and it is proof of weather and maybe a "water" cycle but with methane. The Cassini-Huygens mission proved helpful for identifying lakes, and the Cassini Ship has been circling Saturn and photographing the moons for a long time now. The measurements of loss of height were found when the are that got smaller and the slope were found. Scientist claim that due to the high temperatures, the cycles last thousands of years, during the which some hemispheres become colder than others.

I find this article extremely interesting, partly because i have always had a passion for space, and astronomy. It has always captivated me that it is so immense, and so unknown, and we are so helpless that a supernova in a range of thousands of light years could completely fry our planet. I find this article extremely interesting and I learned a lot, starting from the fact, that the Huygens Probe landed on Titan in 2005 and took a few pictures of the surface. I find this subject exceptionally fascinating, and the fact that there could be life there is amazing.