Biggest Bear Ever Found

The remains of a massive bear weighting more than 1.5 tons were discovered in South America. Standing at 3.4 meters this giant bear is the largest ever known to exist. AS far as meat eaters, "Nothing even comes close" says paleontologist Blaine Schubert.

Scientists claim that this massive mammal roamed its territory somewhere between 500,000 and 2 million years ago. The skeleton was actually discovered in the Buenos Aires Province., Argentina, in 1935, but was only recently reanalized.

Currently the largest bear in modern times was a polar bear, just short of 1 ton. And the previous record holder, for largest bear, were the remains of a extinct giant short-faced bear, weighting almost 1.2 tons. Scientists claim that this bears massive size allowed it to prove a match to sabertooth tigers, giant sloths, and mammoths.

I find this article interesting because it shows us the power the animal kingdom has over us. With such a massive size, a bear like this could easily overpower a human. It shows what abundance of life this earth had, and no longer has, and how little could come to be with how we are treating it. Also a discovery like this one, once again reiterates our fragility as a species, and how vulnerable we are, and how circumstantial our survival is.


Mr. Wilkinson's Blog said...

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